Library closed due to winter weather (Jan. 10–12)
UPDATE: All library locations, including the East Tennessee History Center, will be closed Friday, January 10 through Sunday, January 12, 2025 due to winter weather.
Learning Resources
Interactive map: Destruction of Tennessee's African American Neighborhoods
A series of interactive maps that illustrate the destruction of Tennessee's Black neighborhoods, including the community demolished for the contraction of James White Parkway in Knoxville.
Interactive map: Historic images of structures removed by Urban Renewal in Knoxville
An interactive map that geolocates historic images of structures removed as part of the Riverfront-Willow Street Urban Renewal project in Knoxville, Tennessee, beginning in the mid-1950s.
Interactive map: Pre-Urban Renewal Knoxville, 1953
An interactive map of properties located within the Riverfront-Willow Street and Mountain View Urban Renewal projects, as sourced from the 1953 Knoxville, Tennessee, city directory.
Job placement, workforce development, education, application for unemployment and SNAP job training program.
Justice for All - a Tennessee Supreme Court initiative
KGIS (Geographic Information System)
Provides maps, historical aerials, address searches and property owner reports, school zones, voting districts and elected officials, and more.
Knox County Chancery Court index
An index of names that appear in Knox County Chancery Court dockets, 1832–1899; early on, the court presided over cases from Anderson, Campbell, Knox, and Sevier counties.
Knox County Circuit Court index
Knox County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions index
An index of names that appear in the Knox County Court of Pleas and Quarter Session dockets; the court was the first to be convened in Knox County.
Knox County cross-database index
A cross-database index that allows for a single search of names in all of the Knox County databases developed by the East Tennessee History Center, including archival records and obituaries.
Knox County delayed birth registration index
An index of birth certificates issued to Knox County residents born prior to the start of statewide registration, 1861-1945.