Hamilton District Superior Court of Law and Equity index
An index to the surviving case records from the Hamilton District Superior Court, which served the middle East Tennessee region, including Knox County, 1793–1809.
Interactive map: Destruction of Tennessee's African American Neighborhoods
A series of interactive maps that illustrate the destruction of Tennessee's Black neighborhoods, including the community demolished for the contraction of James White Parkway in Knoxville.
An interactive map of properties located within the Riverfront-Willow Street and Mountain View Urban Renewal projects, as sourced from the 1953 Knoxville, Tennessee, city directory.
An index of names that appear in Knox County Chancery Court dockets, 1832–1899; early on, the court presided over cases from Anderson, Campbell, Knox, and Sevier counties.
A cross-database index that allows for a single search of names in all of the Knox County databases developed by the East Tennessee History Center, including archival records and obituaries.