Albert Einstein (1879–1955) was the genius who turned physics on its head with a mix of curiosity, creativity, and a dash of wild hair. Born in Ulm, Germany, he was a late talker but made up for it by redefining the universe. His groundbreaking theory of relativity (you know, E=mc²) forever changed how we understand space, time, and energy.
Einstein wasn’t just a brainiac—he was also a rebel. He ditched rigid schooling, worked as a patent clerk, and used his "spare time" to write papers that revolutionized science. His work won him a Nobel Prize in 1921 (for the photoelectric effect, not relativity—go figure!).
Beyond physics, Einstein was a pacifist, humanitarian, and champion of civil rights, making waves far beyond the lab. With his wit, wisdom, and wonder, he became a global icon—proof that thinking differently can change everything.
Curious Minds Challenge
There are scientists among us! Do you like to wonder and investigate? Be sure to pick up your Read City gameboard—enter the lab to perform an "experiment" by completing reading and STEM activities. Earn a prize when you complete the experiment.