Donations, Memorials, and In-Honor Gifts

The following is excerpted from the Materials Selection Policy. To donate or make a gift, please email or call (865) 215-8716.


The Library welcomes donations of needed material or funds for the purchase of such material. The Library reserves the right to evaluate and dispose of donations in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased material. The Library discourages the attachment of conditions to donations, and no conditions may be imposed relating to any donation after its acceptance by the Library.

Donations which do not comply with the Library’s objectives and policies will be declined.

Materials donated by the public are added to the library collection if suitable and in excellent condition. Donated items not needed for the library collection are given to the Friends of the Library for use in the annual book sale.

Memorials and In Honor Gifts

Monetary or physical gifts can be donated to the Library in memory of a deceased person, in honor of a person or organization, or in recognition of a person or organization. Memorial and In Honor gifts have a commemorative plate placed in front of the book. Memorial and In Honor gifts are shelved with the general collection in the location appropriate to the material.

The appropriate Collection Development Committee chair selects material for Memorial and In Honor gifts using the same selection criteria used for all purchases and gifts. The selector consults with the agency or department manager where the gift will be placed for collection needs.

Donors may suggest specific titles or donate materials in pristine condition for Memorial and In Honor gifts. Requested titles and/or donated material must meet the same criteria for all Library selections and must be approved by the appropriate Collection Development Committee chair before the material is purchased and/or processed.

Policy Type